创建于2000年6月份,凭借集思广益,努力拼搏,务实创新的概念,我们已率先引入最先进的全自动生产设备,拥有属于自己高精密模具制作,注塑生产车间,锌合金铸造车间,不锈钢成型车间,电镀车间。生产各环节的专家队伍和高素质的员工 本公司位于全世界有“中国瓷都”之称的潮州。自创建以来不断开拓创新,在国内建立良好的销售网络及办事处,以用户第一、信誉第一、质量第一为立厂之本,以市场所需为导向,产品齐全为基础,以及时的交货时间,顾客至上的销售服务深受客户的信赖。 我公司愿以质优价廉的产品诚信满意的服务,与新老用户进一步合作。 欢迎来图,来样,来创意,我们将尽最大的努力满足您的需求。 Shunxing plastic hardware factory is located in the world have "ceramics capital of China," said the chaozhou. Since its creation in the domestic develops the innovation unceasingly, establish good sales network and offices, with the user first, prestige first, quality first "as the legislation plant and taking the market as the guidance, the products needed for the foundation, and complete the delivery time, the customer is supreme sales service are trusted by customers. My company is willing to inexpensive high-quality products and satisfactory service and credit closer cooperation with old and new users. Welcome to figure, samples, creative, we will come to best meet your needs. |